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Idaho UTV is not just a riding club!

Part of our club purpose is to engage in charitable, educational & lobbying activities, and to participate in other non-profit community events.

Organizations that Idaho UTV Club supports:

Adopt-A-Highway - We have adopted a two mile section of Highway 55 just north of Cascade and are responsible for removing trash twice a year. See interview of two of our board members (it incorrectly stated they were married) by local TV station about our spring clean-up: KTVB interview

Annual Coat & Food Drives - each year we donate to different community groups. In 2021 we had a special donation drive and gave over $1100 to the Cascade Food Pantry. We have also donated new and gently used coats & gloves and money for supplies to the Cascade school.

Idaho Mountain Search & Rescue - Four of our club members attended the 2022 60th Anniversary Celebration Benefit Dinner & Auction. Idaho UTV Club donated money to raise money for the purchase of an all-season rescue UTV. 

Idaho Recreational Council (IRC) - The IRC is comprised of Idahoans from all parts of the state with a wide spectrum of recreation interest and love for the future of Idaho and a desire to preserve recreation for future generations of Idahoans. We currently have two Idaho UTV club members who are part of the Steering Committee for IRC.

Idaho State ATV Association (ISATVA) - The mission of the ISATVA is to focus on six primary areas; Participation, Education, Land Management, Lobbying, Cooperation, and Advancement. 

Community Parade Participation:

Cascade 4th of July Main Street Parade - We decorate our UTV's in the patriotic theme of the Red, White & Blue and hand out candy to the local kids along the parade route. In 2022 Idaho UTV Club won the "Best Decorated" award for our participation in the parade!

Treasure Valley Night Light Christmas Parade (Caldwell) - Our UTV's are decorated to the hilt in the Christmas spirit with lights, special characters, garland, wreaths, etc. 

Additional groups and organizations that Idaho UTV Club has supported:

       7 Cares Idaho Shares

       Boise Rescue Mission Ministries

       Boise Women's & Children's Alliance

       Disabled Veterans Boise ATV/UTV Ride

       Idaho Humane Society

       Idaho Veterans Assistance League

       Meridian Winter Lights Christmas Parade

       Valley County Food Pantry

Lobbying Activities:

Our own club President, Darlene Smith testifying in support of bill HR75 in front of the Idaho State Transportation & Defense Committee at the State Capital in Boise.

Owyhee County Roads Cleanup:

During the COVID-19 shut down, the off-road areas in the Owyhees had numerous visitors leaving trash and other problems. The Owyhee County Sheriff requested help in the cleanup effort of several roads. Idaho UTV Club and other groups were able to participate in the cleanup effort, with over 20 of our members volunteering! We were also featured on KBOI 2 Idaho News "Best of Idaho". 

Idaho UTV
P.O. Box 190103
Boise, Idaho 83719

Normally we meet once a month on the 1st Wednesday of the month at Idaho Pizza Company, 5150 W Overland Rd, Boise, ID 83705.

Social Hour 6PM - 7PM, Club Meeting 7PM - 8PM

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